
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Finish It Up Friday: Mini Mini #2

Howdy y'all! Friday is here! Today, I was supposed to be sharing the primitive quilt and its new binding since my sewing machine is all better. But plans change. When I sat down to sew, for some reason, the last thing I wanted to do was work on a binding. The pull of a finished quilt wasn't strong enough to overcome this random dread. So I did what seemed best: I played!

I've had several mini mini ideas bouncing in my head since I heard about them. I immediately imagined the Supernova pattern from Quilting Modern in the miniature! I knew I couldn't make blocks small enough to make an entire Supernova in a mini mini, but I wanted to give it a whirl! This isn't quite what I wanted, but it's a start and I had so much fun with it. I didn't touch my ruler once; I just cut and stitched without abandon and it was relaxing. I was sad to see the clock ticking down to the last few minutes of my sewing time when I started putting the little 'blocks' together.

It's so tiny and wonderful, I can't wait to put it on my wall once it's finished. :) Hope you've had a productive week, sewing or otherwise!

Linking up with Finish It Up Friday and TGIFF!


  1. This is so cute and so tiny. Looking forward to seeing the mini mini all finished.

    1. These are such great opportunities for fabric play without the commitment of a quilt! I'm not sure how to quilt it yet, but it's going to be a blast! :)

  2. These are super tiny and super cute, I have such a hard time with the tiny stuff. Great fabrics.

    1. Thanks Heide! Smaller pieces trip me up but this just seemed to work! I think improv was a great way to start because mistakes aren't always mistakes with that style. Lol.

  3. Ack! You've been bitten by the mini mini bug! I wish I could get some of my pesky WIPs completed so I could throw myself into this trend. It looks like fun! Thanks for linking up with TGIFF!

    1. It was faaaaaar too easy to get bitten by this bug! They're just so cute, I couldn't help but join in! Thanks for hosting TGIFF!

  4. So tiny and cute! It's funny how sometimes we've just got to put aside the current project and start something else. :)

    1. It is funny how sometimes we just have to start something completely different for the sake of fun and sanity. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  5. So glad you got some fun sewing time in! The little block is cute, and tiny.

    1. Almost all sewing time is fun, some is just more fun than others, right? Lol. I'm planning on starting on that binding tomorrow if things fall into place, so I'll have a bit bigger finish next time! :)

  6. This is a great mini. I just starting in on this craze.

    1. Between Kitty and QuiltingJetGirl, I was doomed to jump on this bandwagon. Lol. I love quick little projects, so I feel like these will feel my wall up as the weeks pass. And they're great for using scraps too! :)

  7. Ooh.... First the EPP bug bit the Mini Mini bug has gotten you! These are so tempting... and yours is so neat! Teeny weeny jmprov...I love it!
    I feel my resistance slipping away!

    1. It's so easy to jump on all these bandwagons. Lol. A swap with Kitty over at Night Quilter put me over the edge, otherwise I might have resisted a little longer! And I think tiny improv has your name written all over it! ;)
