
Monday, April 27, 2015

Happy Monday y'all! I wasn't sure what to use for my first post, so I thought I would share a mini quilt that I finished not-too-long ago. This is my first try at improv piecing and I absolutely loved it! I got to channel one of my blogging favorites, Amanda Jean at Crazy Mom Quilts, and dig into my growing scrap bins. It was a blast finding the perfect scraps and fitting them together like a puzzle.

Though it may seem silly, I'm especially proud of my mitered corners. I've made 8 or 9 projects and worked to get pretty corners on my binding and have never had much success. I worked so SO hard to change that with this project. I'm not one to brag, but man those are some sharp looking corners! ;)

I chose to make the word 'Hope' to remind myself that there's always something to hope for, even if it's in the middle of a crazy mixed up mess! :) I'm hoping to improve on photographing my projects, so please don't judge too harshly on this hastily snapped picture. Until next time, have a good day y'all!



  1. Love that cute bird popping out! Yes, those corners are sharp, great project! I just noticed a comment you left on a blog, and was attracted by the name - little black cat quilting - to take a look :-) Sadly my little black cat departed last year after nearly 18 years, but I still have a dog and another cat.

    1. Thank you Fran! When I found a scrap with that bird on it, I knew he was making the cut and sneaking in somewhere. :) 18 years is an amazing amount of time with a fur baby, though it is always hard to let one go. I'm sure your little black cat was loved immensely while he was with you! :)
